
Zachary Hamida, Ph.D.

Researcher | Engineer | Consultant

Research Interests:
Theory: control theory, machine learning, optimization
Applications: structural health monitoring; maintenance planning; oil field planning.

[2023-] Machine Learning Engineer
[2021-] Research Associate
[2013-] Graphic Design

Email | Scholar | LinkedIn | Github | CV


In this webpage, you will find a list of research projects, preprints and tutorials that I’ve been involved in for the last few years. I also write blog articles from time to time to share my personal experinces.

Industry Projects

Cloud Applications

Journal Publications


Quantifying the relative change in maintenance costs due to delayed maintenance actions on transportation infrastructure.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
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Analytical Inference for the Inspectors Uncertainty Using Network-Scale Visual Inspections.
B. Laurent, B. Deka, Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering
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Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance Planning
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Reliability Engineering and System Safety
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OpenIPDM: A Probabilistic Framework for Estimating the Deterioration and Effect of Interventions on Bridges
Z. Hamida, B. Laurent, J-A. Goulet
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A Stochastic Model for Estimating the Network-Scale Deterioration and Effect of Interventions on Bridges
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2916
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Quantifying the Effects of Interventions Based on Visual Inspections from a Network of Bridges
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering
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Network-Scale Deterioration Modelling of Bridges Based on Visual Inspections and Structural Attributes
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Structural Safety 88
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Modeling infrastructure degradation from visual inspections using network‐scale state‐space models
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Structural Control and Health Monitoring 27 (9), e2582
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An efficient geometry-based optimization approach for well placement in oil fields
Z. Hamida, F. Azizi, G. Saad
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 149, 383-392
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Conferences and Workshops


Maintenance Planning for Bridges Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP14, Dublin, Ireland.

Bayesian Neural Networks for Large-Scale Infrastructure Deterioration Models.
S.A.K. Fakhri, Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP14, Dublin, Ireland.

OpenIPDM: Une librairie ouverte pour modéliser la dégradation d’un parc d’infrastructures.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
29e Colloque sur la progression de la recherche québécoise concernant les ouvrages d’art, Montreal, Canada.


Estimating the Bias Associated with Inspectors in the Context of Visual Inspections on Infrastructures.
B. Laurent, Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-11), Montreal, Canada.

Modelling the Deterioration of Infrastructures Using Network-Scale Visual Inspections.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
11th International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure (SHMII-11), Montreal, Canada.


State-Space Models for Network-Scale Analysis of Bridge Inspection Data.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13), Seoul, South Korea.

Modeling Infrastructure Degradation from Visual Inspections Using Network-Scale State-Space Models.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Modeling and Numerical Methods for Uncertainty Quantification (MNMUQ 2019), Porquerolles Island, France.



Stochastic Modelling of Infrastructures Deterioration and Interventions based on Network-Scale Visual Inspections.
Z. Hamida
Ph.D. Thesis, Polytechnique Montreal, Canada.


Hybrid Optimization Techniques for Oil Field Development.
Z. Hamida
M.Sc. Thesis, American University of Beirut, Lebanon.

It is change, continuing change inevitable change, that is the dominant factor in society today. No sensible decision can be made any longer without taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be. ~ Isaac Asimov, 1978.