
Zachary Hamida, Ph.D.

Researcher | Engineer | Consultant

Research Interests:
Theory: control theory, machine learning, optimization
Applications: structural health monitoring; maintenance planning; oil field planning.

[2023-] Machine Learning Engineer
[2021-] Research Associate
[2013-] Graphic Design

Email | Scholar | LinkedIn | Github | CV

Homepage / Planning Maintenance on Transportation Infrastructure

Project description: Developing a hierarchical decision-making framework for planning network-scale maintenance activities on the network of bridges in the province of Quebec.

Funding: Quebec Transportation Ministry (MTQ)

Development Methods: Reinforcement Learning, Deep Q-Learning, Artificial Neural Network, Kalman Filter & Smoother, Gaussian Mixture Reduction

Development Tools: Python (Including: Pytorch, Ray, TensorBoard), MATLAB (Including: App Designer), Github.

Open-source Software: InfraPlanner



Quantifying the relative change in maintenance costs due to delayed maintenance actions on transportation infrastructure.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities
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Maintenance Planning for Bridges Using Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
14th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering, ICASP14, Dublin, Ireland.

Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning for Transportation Infrastructure Maintenance Planning.
Z. Hamida, J-A. Goulet
Reliability Engineering and System Safety.
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